User Guide

Welcome to Shaun’s task manager! Screenshot of Duke


  1. Add task
  2. List task
  3. Set task as done
  4. Delete task
  5. Find task

Add Task

  1. Add Todo: Todo add_todo_here Todo finish assignment
  2. Add Deadline: Deadline add_deadline_here /by dd/MM/yyyy HHmm Deadline Finish iP /by 30/09/2019 2359
  3. Add Event: Event add_event_here /at dd/MM/yyyy HHmm Event Attend career talk /at 02/10/2019 1330


  • List - List all items currently in task manager
  • Done 1 - Set first item in the list as “done”
  • Delete 1 - Delete the first item in the list
  • Find assignment - Finds all items with the word “assignment” inside
  • Bye - Ends the program